The GYM and other stuff
My workouts are just great. I do 20 minutes on the bike or elliptical, get cold sweats and leave. As I pointed out to my husband, at least I get to put on my gym clothes and talk to other people. I know it’s going to take time. I’m taking it easy. I am following doctors orders.
Got another fill yesterday. 1 more cc. He said that I may need a little more than I had before to achieve the same level of restriction because I may have been swollen and am not now. I have another appointment next week. FYI, this fill did not hurt, thank god.
I want to document my weight because its frustrating but may be reassuring to others in the same boat:
March (before unfill): 157lbs
April 21 (at surgery): 162lbs
May 14 (at 1.5 cc fill): 169lbs
May 21 (at 1 cc fill): 165lbs
So lets see where I land next week. I’m hoping for 160.
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